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Agricultural Science
Published: 2014-07-29

Determination Of Physical And Mechanical Properties Of The Wood Of Five Wooden Species From Southern Amazon

Federal University of Mato Grosso
COPANT physical properties mechanical properties tree.


The objective of this work was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of woods from the Southern Amazon by conventional methods. It was selected typical species from the Southern Amazon: Peltogyne lecointei Ducke (FABACEAE-CAESALPINIOIDAE) (roxinho), Erisma uncinatum Willd. (VOCHYSIACEAE) (cedrinho), Hymenaea courbaril L. (FABACEAE-CAESALPINIOIDAE) (jatobá), Hymenolobium petraeum Ducke (FABACEAE-FABOIDEAE) (angelim pedra) e Trattinnickia burseraefolia (Mart.) Willd. (BURSERACEAE) (amescla). The determination of the physical properties followed the COPANT standards, for the mechanical properties it was made some tests on the universal testing machine in accordance with the technical standards COPANT. This study indicates that the density strongly influences the mechanical strength of the wood. By Comparison with the literature it was inferred that there is distinction between the studied species native from the Southern Amazon, compared to exotic species, which generates diversification of materials for the timber industry. It was clear that the quality of wood for certain uses can be improved, modified, minimizes or controlled with the work of forestry and industrial production sectors, integrating foresters with engineers and technicians from the processing area.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, D. A., Silveira, A. P., & Castello, P. A. R. (2014). Determination Of Physical And Mechanical Properties Of The Wood Of Five Wooden Species From Southern Amazon. Scientific Electronic Archives, 7(2), 52–58.