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Health Science
Published: 2020-07-01

Development and sun protection factor of emusionated formulation containing Brazil nut oil

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus de Sinop

L. M. Gomes

Curso de Farmácia - Instituto de Ciências da Saúde
Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K Emulsion Sun protection factor (SPF) Brazil nut oil.


Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K) is oil rich and contains compounds with bioactive properties wich grants potential for usage in new formulations with photo-protective potential, as well as other pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications. The aim of this study was the development and in vitro determination of the sun protection factor of emulsionated formulations containing Brazil nut oil, targeting its use as a photo-protective carrier. Brazil nut oil was extracted with hexane using the ultrasound assisted method. After the oil quality against oxidation was evaluated, it was incorporated into the formulations. The emulsions were evaluated for their preliminary stability, accelerated stability, rheological characterization, mean globule diameter, in vitro SPF determination and potential antioxidant activity by the DPPH radical scavenging method. The same emulsified systems containing a chemical sunscreen were also evaluated, looking for synergism possibilities. The emulsions containing 20 and 30% of Brazil nut oil, with and without the chemical sunscreen, were characterized as oil-in-water type, showing elastic/solid rheological characteristics, and presented better stability characteristics in the assessed parameters. However, the presented photo-protective activity was attributed to the chemical sunscreen itself, rather than the base formulation and the antioxidant activity was considered low. The base formulation developed with Brazil nut oil presented adequate characteristics for incorporating sunscreen, opening up possibilities for incorporating several active substances, like the sunscreen and many others.


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How to Cite

Gomes, L. M., Marino, C. J. M., Cotrim, A. C. M., Nogueira, R., Valladão, D. M. S., Torres, M. P. R., & Ribeiro, E. B. (2020). Development and sun protection factor of emusionated formulation containing Brazil nut oil. Scientific Electronic Archives, 13(7), 130–141.