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Agricultural Science
Published: 2020-09-09

Characteristics of the forage component in silvopastoral systems

Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Crude protein leaf elongation rate luminous interception shading


The silvopastoral systems (SPS), modality of agroforestry systems, refer to the production techniques in which animals, forage plants and trees are integrated, in the same area. Forage and its management are important aspects of this system. Thus, the objective of this review was to analyze the productive, morphological, nutritios and botanical aspects of pastures in silvopastoral system. As a rule, the higher incidence of sunlight causes an increase in the photosynthetic rate of the plant and, therefore, the accumulation of dry forage mass. Grasses cultivated under shade show higher levels of crude protein (CP) and higher concentrations of non-protein nitrogen, and in general the levels of insoluble fiber in neutral detergent and acid detergent (NDF and ADF), increase in forage under shade. Shading positively influences the rates of elongation of leaves and stems, as well as the final length of leaf blades. With the reduction of the amount of radiation incident in the silvopastoral system, changes occur in the spectral characteristics of sunlight, with an increase in its scattering, that is, an increase in diffuse radiation, which, because it is multidirectional, also becomes efficient, due to the better penetration into the plant canopy. The trees of the silvopastoral system can exercise a great influence on the forage used, due to shading. Management practices must be adopted in order to maintain a sufficient dry matter production to feed the animals at all times of the year, in addition to the high nutritional value of the forage and without compromising the persistence of the forage over the years.


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How to Cite

dos Anjos, A. J., & Chaves, C. S. (2020). Characteristics of the forage component in silvopastoral systems. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(3), 53–64.