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Education and Teaching
Published: 2020-10-13

Consumer behavior: factors that influence purchasing power

Universidade Metropolitana de Santos
Clientes Marketing Varejo.


Consumer behavior is not static, that is, it can be changed according to the situation in which it is inserted. Currently, it is possible to find consumers who are influenced at the time of purchase by several variables and motivating factors, which directly interfere in the purchase decision process and consumption habits. This study aims to understand the different factors that influence the purchase process. To this end, the profile of consumers in the retail clothing market in the city of Santos, SP, was analyzed through quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research, with data collection carried out through questionnaires and bibliographic review


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How to Cite

Gomes, E. G. da S., Domingues, D. A. dos S. D., & Victor Vinícius. (2020). Consumer behavior: factors that influence purchasing power. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(4).