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Health Science
Published: 2014-06-04

Promotion of Breastfeeding: an Experience Report

Breastfeeding Nursing Puerperium


This study aimed to describe their experience in developing health education activities, through guidance to mothers about the importance and benefits of breastfeeding, especially exclusive breastfeeding, both for health and for mother of the child. The target population was composed of women interned in a hospital / maternity located in the city of Rondonópolis-MT, during the first half of 2012. From 500 mothers 198 were primigravidae (39.6%), 99 secundiparous (19.8%), 139 multigravidae (27.8%). Regarding the proper latch, 444 newborns had suction satisfactory (88.8%), and 53 unsatisfactory (10.6%) which directed the group to a differentiated approach in these cases. Of the 128 mothers who evaluated the guidelines provided by nursing students, 58 considered the optimal (45.3%), 28 very good (21.8%), 47 good (36.7%), and had no regular or bad results. This project made it possible to understand that breastfeeding can often be a complex practice and nursing care should not be reduced solely to biological factors, but include humanization and optimization of psychological and sociocultural factors in the search for a comprehensive and quality care, preparing to face the difficulties mothers during breastfeeding and newborn care.


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How to Cite

Dauzacker, C., Santos, K., Rodrigues, A. Z., Veronesi, C. L., & Medeiros, R. M. K. (2014). Promotion of Breastfeeding: an Experience Report. Scientific Electronic Archives, 6(1), 59–62.