The present work deals with the adaptation of arduino electric motors and electronics in a microtractor fertilizer for precise distribution of fertilizers with small size equipment and low power. The prototype fertilizer application system designed has a controller system capable of acting at the speed of rotation of the feeder drive motor from the data sent by the operator via Bluetooth, and thus apply the fertilizer in a controlled manner in the soil. The microcontroller used was the Arduino uno that coordinates the devices and performs the manipulation of the obtained data, as well as an H bridge circuit to control the electric motors.The dosing mechanism used was the “endless thread” helical type built in 3D printer and PVC connections for the discharge pipes. With the prototype ready, distribution tests were performed with electric actuator in the laboratory to validate the doser. The calibration equation was determined by statistical data obtained from the tests performed for calibration. With the end of the work it can be concluded that the dosing system is a small size equipment and easy to operate and affordable cost for small and medium producers
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