The study aimed to carry out a systematic review for the three species of Myrciaria, M. glazioviana, M. strigipes and M. trunciflora, regarding systematics, reproduction, phytochemistry and pharmacology. The methodology consisted of a bibliographic search of a qualitative and descriptive scope in several databases, using descriptors in Portuguese, English and Spanish on plant systematics, reproduction, phytochemistry and pharmacology. A greater number of studies were observed for the species Myrciaria glazioviana, followed by Myrciaria trunciflora and in a smaller quantity for Myrciaria strigipes, which lacks data on both the reproduction of the species and the countless known biological activities. Regarding reproduction, phytochemistry and possible biological activities, these three species are still poorly studied. With this systematic review study, it will provide researchers with a revisable theoretical basis to guide the search for a greater number of research aimed at pharmacological, agricultural, food and biotechnology development, since the species under study have high scientific potential.
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