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Education and Teaching
Published: 2021-07-02

Active learning: brief review

sala de aula invertida aprendizagem baseada em problemas estudos de caso


The purpose of this study, developed through bibliographic research, is to conduct a brief review on the fundamentals of active learning methodologies, focusing on three methodologies: the inverted classroom, problem-based learning and the case study. The relevance of this research approach is due to the current teaching context, which goes beyond the traditional teaching methods that were centered on the figure of the educator, to focus on the student. In this new learning modality, the student becomes the protagonist of the educational process. Such change allows the development of new skills in the student, such as creativity, cooperation, reflection and self-assessment. In addition, the use of active methodologies is an effective way to stimulate students' curiosity, research and motivation


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How to Cite

Diniz, T. de O., & Souza, R. V. B. de. (2021). Active learning: brief review. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(7), 84–88.