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Education and Teaching
Published: 2021-07-05

The Internet as a tool for quality in Research: UFMT/CUR

Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Internet, Scientific Production, National Research and Education Network (RNP


The study aims to understand the speed of the internet provided at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Rondonópolis University Campus (CUR) is enough for the suitable progress of scientific studies. The internet link speed available for faculty and students was explained through examining documents and the bibliography regarding existing contracts, available internet speed, internet data consumption, alongside with national and international internet speed standards for research and education institutions. Through a Scientometric study in the Web of Science and Scopus database, the terms “Federal University of Mato Grosso” and “Rondonópolis” were employed conjointly, bounded to the period from 2004 to 2019. Thereby, it was possible to analyze the scientific production growth, comparing if an internet speed bellow national and international standard would reduce the number of published papers on those databases. By finishing the data analysis, it was possible to answer the following question: is the existing internet link enough to meet the UFMT/CUR research demand? Though the internet velocity delivered to the 5.000 students reaches 300 Mbps, adding up all existing contracts, we observed that the national standard, of 1,000 Mbps, as well as the international standard, of 5,000 Mbps, were not achieved. However, the average consumption for all administrative, education and research activities did not exceed the speed of 150 Mbps, highlighting that, even though the available internet is not considered adequate, the existing access velocity met the demand of UFMT/CUR. Moreover, there was not a reduction on research production, instead, when compared to the Scientometric survey, the number of publications kept growing exponentially, year after year.


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How to Cite

Farias, J. G. F. ., & Nardes, A. M. M. . (2021). The Internet as a tool for quality in Research: UFMT/CUR. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(4). Retrieved from