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Agricultural Science
Published: 2021-09-29

Relation of the categories of analysis landscape, territory and place in the construction of small hydropower plants

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Energy; SHPs; Landscape; Territory; Place


With the population growth in Brazil in the 20th century, allied to the rapid industrialization process, there was an increase in the country's energy demand, creating the need for new sources of energy generation, with Small Hydropower Plants (SHPs) being one of these sources. The present study aimed to understand, through the theoretical foundation, the relationship of the geographic analysis categories in the construction of the hydroelectric power plants. In the construction of the hydroelectric power stations it is important to study the categories of analysis not in isolation, but taking into account their relationships. The landscape should be seen around its totality, taking into consideration the natural, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. These aspects bring us back to territory, which in these constructions, should not be seen only as a delimitation of power relations, i.e., besides the material dimension, it should take into consideration the symbolic dimension, a constructor of identity. It is in the place that this identity is intensified, through the affective ties, the experience, the relationships with social groups, because the place itself is not seen only as a place or a point of reference located in space, but as a place of living, where the ties will be created and intensified through the construction of identity, and in this place the appropriation and organization is according to the needs of each individual. Thus, the way of seeing the world will depend on the perception of each subject, and how his or her relationship with nature occurs, in this case, transforming it with the construction of the shps.


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How to Cite

da Silva, J. R. ., & Tarifa, J. R. . (2021). Relation of the categories of analysis landscape, territory and place in the construction of small hydropower plants. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(10).