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Education and Teaching
Published: 2021-09-29

School indiscipline in the view of students and teachers: investigating concepts

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop
School indiscipline, teaching and learning process, conceptions of teachers and students


The presented research has as main objective to identify students and teachers conceptions about school indiscipline and to understand its implication for the teaching and learning process. The research was configured as an investigation with a qualitative approach, in which we sought, through questionnaires applied to 144 students and 12 teachers, belonging to a public school in the state of Mato Grosso, to produce data referring to problematic indiscipline in this school environment. The results obtained through the questionnaires showed that indiscipline has been understood as an inappropriate behavior for the school environment, which hinders the teaching and learning process. In relation to attitudes related to indiscipline, cursing the teacher was the most listed by the students, followed by acts that hinder the teaching and learning process, such as, for example, not participating in the class, parallel conversations and not doing the lesson. For the teachers participating in the research, one of the most common cases of indiscipline in the classroom is restless students, who do not cooperate with the teacher and are disinterested. Regarding the attitudes towards undisciplined students, what stood out the most was the dialogue between teacher and student. The fact that must be taken into account is that dialogue has been configured as the main instrument of the teacher in the teaching and learning process, and we must always remember that in the classroom we are faced with students who have their particularities and that respect this is the first step to alleviate the problem of indiscipline in the school space, thereby avoiding losses to the learning process.

Keywords: School indiscipline, teaching and learning process, conceptions of teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Trevisan, A. C. R., Letícia Zoz, D., & Paulo Trevisan, E. (2021). School indiscipline in the view of students and teachers: investigating concepts. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(10).