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Agricultural Science
Published: 2021-09-29

Development and validation of a low-cost embarked system for monitoring sliding mechanized agricultural operations

Universidade Estadual Paulista
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Arduino, precision agriculture, embedded system


Increasingly competitive, agribusiness increasingly demands from rural producers. In this way, the rural producer, in search of satisfying an increasingly demanding market with greater demand, invests in technologies that reduce production costs, increase productivity and reduce environmental impacts. For this, monitoring and analysis of activities carried out throughout the culture cycle is becoming increasingly common, especially when they involve the work of machines and implements. Currently, the use of embedded systems has been a solution for monitoring agricultural activities, this equipment is mostly composed of sensors and microcontrollers, despite the positive results obtained with them, some aspects such as high cost and time demand for handling, make it difficult to obtain these devices. Thus, the present work aimed to develop and test the Automatic Sliding Data Acquisition System (SAADP). The tests were carried out at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and obtained positive results when compared with the ASAE (American Society of Agricultural Engineers) method, its production cost was low when compared to other systems and its simple and fast handling.


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How to Cite

Dias Meneses, M., Vale, W. G. do ., Arze, B. J. C. ., Chaves, M. V. de S. ., Pacheco, E. P. ., & Vale, P. de A. C. B. do . (2021). Development and validation of a low-cost embarked system for monitoring sliding mechanized agricultural operations. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(10).