Ingestion of mycotoxins by animals causes damage to the production system and can still be transferred to animal products, including milk. Due to its carcinogenic and genotoxic potential, the intake of mycotoxins, especially aflatoxins, is relevant to human health. The use of mycotoxin-absorbing agents has gained attention in dairy cattle nutrition. Therefore, it aimed to conduct a literature review on the use of mycotoxin absorbers in the dairy cattle diet. Mycotoxin absorbing agents can be of organic or inorganic origin, the inorganic ones being the most studied. Inorganic and organic agents have been shown to be effective in reducing the transfer of aflatoxin M1 to milk. However, the inclusion of mixed agents (organic and inorganic) is promising as a potential for mycotoxin absorption. In general, organic, inorganic and mixed absorbents showed positive results in improving the antioxidant and inflammatory status in the liver.
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