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Mathematical Sciences / Engineering
Published: 2014-08-04

Mathematical Modeling of Cheese Bread Production: An Experience in Mathematics Teaching

Teaching learning mathematical modeling cheese bread production


Mathematics is a foundation of most areas of knowledge, endowed with an architecture that allows to develop cognitive and creative levels and has advocated its use in a variety of educational backgrounds. In this sense, this paper brings the development of a relationship of mathematics to the real. Thus, the use of mathematical modeling in the production of cheese breads recounts the experiences of two high school students in the discovery of a differentiated math. During the study, was obtained the economic viability of the product, the percentage of each ingredient, the time in the oven and the price came out at the end of each cheese bread. By this shows up the various areas of knowledge that mathematics is about, there is a huge interdisciplinary students approaching real content. The results were obtained from cheese bread recipe and through the various ingredients used, these products was evaluated its value and calculated the amount used for the preparation of the product. It was found how many loaves of cheese would manufactured with the recipe, gave the final value of the ingredients and the economic viability of this production.


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How to Cite

Dacol, A. P. O., Araujo, V. L., Lira, T., Brito, K., Boeri, C. N., & Américo, L. A. (2014). Mathematical Modeling of Cheese Bread Production: An Experience in Mathematics Teaching. Scientific Electronic Archives, 7(2), 108–110.