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Education and Teaching
Published: 2021-09-29

Teacher training and the use of teaching resources

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
training, Resource, Teaching


The present literature review aims to discuss scientific data about the resources used in math teaching in the context of presential and remote classes, as also the how it influences the teacher formation process. To aim this, we gathered research that discusses the use of resources in different school realities and the importance of pedagogical formation. We observed that the use of objects becomes an important resource for the teacher, since it allows the professional to renew his methods, thus, the notion of resources goes beyond material resources and considers sociocultural resources. The studies also highlight the need to explore the resource's transparency, which is linked to the teacher's intention, to make the mathematical content visible. We can highlight, from the surveys, that the use of resources contributes as their use is directed by pedagogical objectives aligned with mathematical knowledge.


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How to Cite

da Silva, R. M. ., & da Silva, R. S. . (2021). Teacher training and the use of teaching resources. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(10).