Manganese (Mn) is a micronutrient of great importance for the growth and development of plants, playing a fundamental role in several of their vital processes. Its availability in the soil depends on some factors such as pH, redox potential, presence or absence of organic matter in the soil, among others, its availability to plants depends on the oxidation state, being absorbed in the form of the Mn2+ ion. It acts as a nutrient or toxic element in plant metabolism depending on its contents in plant tissues. Micronutrient extracted and exported by the main cultivated plants, presents wide variation in leaf contents for most agricultural species, and its deficiency or excess can compromise the growth, development and productivity of plants. Thus, this review provides an insight into the micronutrient Mn, as well as its functions, deficiency and excess symptoms. In addition to addressing the path taken by this element from the soil solution to its absorption and incorporation into plant metabolism.
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