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Published: 2022-04-01

No-tillage system for vegetables: The case of the industrial tomato plant in Goiás

Universidade Federal de Goiás
Faculdade Alfredo Nasser
Faculdade Alfredo Nasser
Faculdade Alfredo Nasser
Faculdade Alfredo Nasser
Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Morrinhos
Universidade Federal de Goiás
Direct System; Vegetables; Industrial tomato; Soil Quality


Food production is one of the noblest activities in the world. We have not always had the exploration of soil in such a harmonious way with the environment. Thanks to research and the constant search for a production system with less degradation, the system of direct planting of vegetables (SPDH) emerged. This method derives from direct planting of annual crops and has the same concepts of chemical, physical and biological soil balance. Natural fertility, or induced by organic materials, presents availability of nutrients that can gradually reduce dependence on chemical inputs. The objective of this work is to discuss the emergence, development and implementation of the SPDH in Goiás, emphasizing the dynamics of the system (which already occupies 50% of the industrial tomato areas), its production capacity, general parameters and requirements in the cerrado in Goiás. The best ways to manage the coverage are discussed and failures of the system in relation to rotations are highlighted. Despite the direct transplantation of tomato seedlings into the soy straw, many producers are still unable to get rid of chemical fertilizers. The lack of green manure and correct rotations are the biggest bottlenecks. SPDH accumulate enormous advantages in reducing irrigation, energy expenditure, loss of soil and nutrients, not to mention the practicality already known in direct annual crops (soybeans and corn).




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How to Cite

Vieira, R. D. ., dos Santos, H. S. T., Pires, N. M. ., Soares, S. da S. ., Silva, T. F. da ., Silva, P. M. da ., … Leandro, W. M. . (2022). No-tillage system for vegetables: The case of the industrial tomato plant in Goiás. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(4).