The immune system is made up of several components that harmoniously protect us against different pathogens. However, due to little-known events, this system ends up losing the ability to discriminate what is proper to the organism from what is not, triggering autoimmune diseases. Among the different ways that researchers have been using to study and, consequently, develop therapies for the treatment of these diseases, the manipulation of miRNA's stands out. Taking into account that this technology is recent and that it is necessary to understand what is already systematized so that it is possible to observe any gaps in scientific knowledge and, based on them, set new goals, this work aims to analyze how national productions have pointed out the use of miRNA-based techniques related to autoimmune diseases. For this purpose, bibliographic searches were performed on the academic Google, Scielo, PubMed and MedLine platforms, using the following descriptors: Application; Autoimmune; miRNA; Immunological processes. 86 productions were obtained, being 55 analyzed. After analysis, four categories were inferred: studies related to the development of T and B cells; Analysis of miRNA associated with autoimmune diseases in general; Analysis of miRNA associated with specific autoimmune diseases; and miRNA-associated therapies. In addition to being possible to investigate the following gaps: incomplete knowledge of the biological processes carried out by miRNA's, the lack of techniques that make it possible to manipulate the RNA given its instability, the lack of knowledge about the behavior of the genome and, in the case of the national scope, the lack of investment both to train labor and to provide adequate infrastructure. Thus, it is concluded that there is an urgent need for research with objectives not only in the application of techniques associated with miRNA, but also in the understanding of this machinery, so that we can understand which structures are involved in the process carried out by these molecules and how they can - they will be manipulated for therapeutic purposes.
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