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Mathematical Sciences / Engineering
Published: 2022-05-31

The noise generated by religious temples and the neighborhood impact caused in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro

Pontifícia Universidade Católica - Rio
Pontifícia Universidade Católica - Rio
Neighborhood Impact Study, noise pollution, religious temples and quiet disturbance


Noise pollution is one of the types of pollution most present in urban agglomerations, where noise the standards established by institutions with the WHO (1980) is capable of generation several harmful effects to individuals and its manifestation occurs both in the physical, psychological and social spheres, directly interfering in the communication established between people and other living being due to the propagation of sound pressure waves. The spread of this type of pollution and nuisance can also be generated in religious temples, where many do not have adequate acoustic protection to carry out their activities. The common use of high-capacity microphones for greater sound range and high-intensity electronic musical instruments such as guitars, electric guitars, electric organs and drums coupled with high-power loudspeakers constitute this main sound source. According to the complaining neighbors of these religious institutions, the loud sound at times of worship becomes quite inconvenient and disturbs everyone’s Peace. According to residents living around the religious temples, the time of celebrations is practically impossible to carry out simple activities such as watching television, listening to music, sleeping, among other activities. The need for neighborhood impact analysis regarding the production of noise is extremely important for the design of a healthy residential environment, regardless of the generator of this harmful physical agent. The Neighborhood Impact Study is a very important tool and capable of analyzing and capable of analyzing and informing municipal management in advance of the repercussions of the implementation of impacting private or public activities in urban areas, from the perspective of harmony between private interests and community in order to avoid imbalances.


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How to Cite

Strino, C. L., & Bezerra, M. de M. . (2022). The noise generated by religious temples and the neighborhood impact caused in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(6).