The review study aimed to present several researches on an area of anaerobic biomanagement of vinasse, a by-product of sugarcane production, with different types of resources generated in the agroindustry. Different research platforms from scientific journals in the area of environmental energy, renewable vineyards, public agencies, among others, were used to search for material and presentation of relevant data for the management and presentation of experiments in the area of biogas production from the anaerobic digestion of biodi, with different types of substrates. After the analysis was carried out, it was possible to observe the possibility of production and optimization of the sector to produce biogas with greater methane yield, such as the residue experiments: the potential of biogas production, using three types of treatment, with vinasse and bagasse from sugarcane, an investigation of different types of vinasse, such as sorghum and cane, on the need to supplement the process, the use of filter cake (another by-product of the sector), in addition to the importance of evaluating the sugar-energy elements first and second generation such as bagasse (pre-treatment), yeast extract and ash (by-product of bagasse burning), the consortium of different types of agro-industrial residues, such as the coffee industry and also the area of biofuels, such as distilled glycerol to improve the yield of biogas and methane production.
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