The objective of this work was to carry out a qualitative-quantitative inventory of afforestation on Avenida Perimetral, access road to the urban center of the municipality of Tucuruí-PA. The method used was the census type, also called total inventory. During the study, the tree species and families were identified, as well as the origin, in addition to the main use. The type of branching, the pruning intervention, in addition to the advance and conflict of the treetops with the avenue and the electrical network were evaluated. The size of the species was performed through the total height and diameter at breast height. According to the results obtained, 30 tree species were identified, belonging to 17 families, totaling 194 individuals. The Arecaceae family had the highest number of species, with five representatives, followed by the Myrtaceae and Fabaceae families, with four and three representatives, respectively. Among the species used to compose the afforestation, there was a predominance of Cenostigma tocantinum (35 individuals), followed by Mangifera indica (34 individuals) and Cocos nucifera (22 individuals). Considering the number of individuals surveyed, exotic species represented the absolute majority, with 53.6% of the total. Most species showed sympodial branching (88.0%). As for the pruning of tree species, it was observed that most individuals (63.5% of the total) underwent intervention, while the absence of pruning was detected in 36.5% of the individuals. Most individuals (75.3%) were implanted in places on the avenue with no electrical network, that is, far from overhead wires. Of the individuals who had tree crowns projected onto the avenue, 37.3% had a projection smaller than 1.5 m, 5.5% between 1.5 and 3.0 m and 2.6% greater than 3 m. The observed size revealed a predominance of small trees, with the height of individuals up to 5 m and diameter at breast height having a diameter of less than 15.1 cm, reinforcing that the population is composed of young individuals. In general, the inventoried population presented a good diversity, however there was an unbalanced population distribution of individuals, which reinforces the importance of afforestation planning and the need for management intervention, regarding the accomplishment of the adequacy pruning.
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