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Published: 2022-10-01

Megaesophagus in dogs - literature review

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – Campus Universitário de Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – Campus Universitário de Sinop
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – Campus Universitário de Sinop
Megaesophagus, regurgitation, food management


Megaesophagus is caused by the presence of hypomotility and consequent esophageal dilation. The objective of this work is to carry out a literary review of megaesophagus in dogs, discussing the main clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The main clinical sign associated with the disease is the presence of regurgitation in young animals and the underdevelopment of the pup after weaning. The diagnosis of megaesophagus is based on clinical signs and mainly with contrast radiography of the chest region, which will show esophageal dilatation. Until the following moment, there is no cure or clinical-surgical treatment that solves congenital esophageal weakness. Initially, a dietary-conservative treatment should be carried out, reducing the risks of dilatation and aspiration of food content. The animal must be fed with soft food, on an elevated platform so that the patient is stationary, with the support of the hind limbs, causing gravity to help the passage of food through the esophagus to the stomach. The prognosis of megaesophagus is reserved due to the nature of this pathology, the complications involved and the lack of a definitive treatment. Although early diagnosis helps in treatment, life expectancy is low, being approximately one year old.Keywords: Megaesophagus, regurgitation, food management.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, Y. G. de ., Soares, A. F., & Novais, A. A. . (2022). Megaesophagus in dogs - literature review. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(10).