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Education and Teaching
Published: 2014-09-23

Extension Project: The UFMT - Sinop Calls: Come Meet Us!

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Monitored visits vocational guidance institutional promotion


The UFMT - Sinop Campus had their regular courses implemented in 2006 and aims to meet the  demands by proposing courses that contribute to regional development. Nevertheless, the population still has limited knowledge about this institution based not only in education but also in research and extension. The project aimed to promote the dissemination of the University through guided tours for high school students from state and private schools in the city of Sinop and region; and provide information about the courses offered, so that students obtain information to help them choose the safest way the profession they want to pursue. The data collected and the reports of teachers, students and parents associated with the project demonstrated that it produced good results and achieved targeted goals.


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How to Cite

Mata, D. P., Vermelho, E., Silva, L. C., & Borges, F. R. (2014). Extension Project: The UFMT - Sinop Calls: Come Meet Us!. Scientific Electronic Archives, 8(1), 47–50.