Uterine torsion composes the picture of the main obstetric emergencies in the equine species. Rotation of one the uterine or uterus along the longitudinal axis can vary from mild to severe, depending on the degree of rotation and involvement of the tissues involved. The prognosis is considered unfavorable when there is compromise of the patient’s homeostasis, difficulty in accurate diagnosis and absence of immediate surgical intervention. The present report aims to describe a case of uterine torsion in a mare, in the middle third of gestation, attended in the field in the municipality of Sinop, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The clinical findings were acute abdominal pain, tachycardia, tachypnea, lack of gastrointestinal motility, vulvar edema and eversion of the vaginal mucosa. Rectal palpation showed the impossibility of uterine palpation, ultrasound identified only the presence of the right ovary. The clinical evolution of the consition proceeded negatively, resulting in maternal and fetal death.
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