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Health Science
Published: 2022-10-01

Auriculotherapy: impact of therapy on care in a family health unit in the municipality of Cascavel – Paraná

Escola de Saúde Pública Municipal
Escola de Saúde Pública Municipal
Escola de Saúde Pública Municipal
Escola de Saúde Pública Municipal
Escola de Saúde Pública Municipal
Auriculotherapy, Complementary Therapy, Nursing


Integrative and Complementary Practices have become a reality in the primary care network in the municipality of Cascavel - PR. Its space in the Unified Health System (SUS) must be fixed and aspired as an advance in terms of humanized care, taking into account new ways of practicing health, demystifying the biomedical, curative model centered on medicalization and numerous referrals to specialists, in this context. In this sense, the use of auriculotherapy in the nursing consultation at a Family Health Unit (USF) is observed as a powerful strategy to minimize the use of drugs. Objectives: Understand and analyze the impact and benefits of auriculotherapy in care in a Family Health Unit. Methodology: This is a documentary, exploratory and descriptive field research with quantitative and qualitative analysis, developed in September 2021, in a USF. Results and discussions: When analyzing the data, it was identified that the biggest complaints found in patients were anxiety and depression, the majority being female. Even though the consultations took place during the Covid-19 Pandemic, 100% of the population liked the place where the patients were treated and showed a significant improvement in the referred symptoms. Final Considerations: Auriculotherapy is an easily accessible and low-cost therapy that is offered to the population in the services of the Health Care Network, which strengthens the bond and demystifies care focused only on medicalization.


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How to Cite

Lombardo, Y. L. D. ., Castilhos, C. de M. ., Dondoni, D. ., Scalco, D. C. ., & Silva, G. F. da . (2022). Auriculotherapy: impact of therapy on care in a family health unit in the municipality of Cascavel – Paraná. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(10).