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Agricultural Science
Published: 2022-10-31

Management and social participation in the Assungui National Forest, Campo Largo - PR

Universidade Federal do Paraná
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Faculdade Bagozzi
Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade
Participative management; Effective management; Conservation unit.


The participatory management of a conservation unit can be understood as the balanced coordination of the technical, operational and natural resources components of the area and the management of these components is done together with the social actors directly or indirectly involved with the conservation unit. Assessing the participatory management of a conservation unit is to analyze its ability to carry out actions related to its conservation and preservation objectives. The present study aimed to evaluate the management of the Assungui National Forest, using the APAS methodology as a tool, "Analysis of Social Participation in Conservation Units, designed to analyze the effectiveness of participatory management, considering the main instruments of social participation provided for in the SNUC law, public consultation, management plan and management council. The results showed that Flona reached a percentage of 68.97% of management effectiveness, which indicates that the conservation unit has a moderately satisfactory participatory management, having minimal elements for its management, however, with deficiencies that make it difficult to establish a solid basis for an effective participatory management, which can lead to non-compliance with some objectives established for the conservation of the unit.


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How to Cite

Micaloski, M. M., Tetto, A. F. ., Savi, M., & Faraco, L. F. D. . (2022). Management and social participation in the Assungui National Forest, Campo Largo - PR. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(11).