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Health Science
Published: 2023-01-30

The search for care: therapeutic itinerary of homeless people

Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Homeless persons Therapeutic itinerary Nursing


To analyze the therapeutic itinerary realized for homeless people in a city of the southern region of Mato Grosso. An exploratory and descriptive study, a qualitative approach made with 15 homeless people. The data collect was fulfilled by recorded interviews with the application of semi-structured instrument in a frequently sought place by the participants. It was defined three thematic cores: “Motivation to live in the streets”, “The necessity of homeless people” and “The search for care”, making it possible to study the course of homeless people in search for assistance and care. The findings reveal that the course taken by homeless people mainly aim, the seek for means of survival, as food and shelter and the access to health services is limited. Therefore, it’s necessary actions that enlarge the access to health service focusing on health promotion, respecting the singularity of these population group and the constitutional rights.


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How to Cite

Laurinda da Silva Henrique, B., Eduarda Bertoni Borges, M., & de Mattos, M. (2023). The search for care: therapeutic itinerary of homeless people. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(2).