Soybean is the most important oilseed for Brazilian agribusiness. Millions of tons are harvested every year. This demand requires the seed market to offer producers seeds of excellent quality, with high germination and vigor. During seed production, stressful factors and conditions, such as high temperature and water deficit, can anticipate the cycle of soybean plants in the phase of of photoassimilated translocation and seed maturation. This acceleration process ends up causing an early harvest, hindering the degradation of chlorophyll, leaving the seeds with a green aspect. The use of desiccants in periods that precede physiological maturation increases the presence of greenish seeds. Green soybean seeds tend to have a higher rate of deterioration, causing a reduction in germination, vigor and viability, preventing them from being stored for future use. Given this scenario, this paper aimed to review the literature and describe the problems related to green seeds, reporting the factors that can cause their formation as well as the consequences for the quality of a lot.
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