For growing vegetables, seedling production is one of the most important stages of the process, and the use of suitable substrates as physical, chemical and biological characteristics for occur the formation of a quality seedling is necessary. In the context of information exposed the present study aimed to evaluate the production of pepper seedlings, using substrates of different mixtures of combinations (commercial substrate (Peat fertile®), expanded vermiculite and coconut fiber). To perform the experiment was carried sowing pepper cultivar All Big® in polystyrene trays (Styrofoam®) 200 cells, filled with five treatments, combinations (C): 1 C1 (Peat fertile® (60%), vermiculite (20%) and coconut fiber (20%)); 2 C2 (Peat fertile® (60%) and vermiculite (40%)); 3 C3 (Peat fertile® (60%) and coconut fiber (40%)); 4- C4 ((Peat fertile® (40%), vermiculite (30%) and coconut fiber (30%)); and 5- C5 (Peat fertile® (100%) at 42 days after germination (DAG ) seedlings, we assessed treatments for parameters: At 42 days after germination (DAG) of the seedlings was evaluated treatments for parameters: seedlings height (AM), stem diameter (DC), length of the root system (CR) and number of true leaves (NF). It was found that for the variable diameters and number of true leaves of the seedlings did not differ from the treatments, while for the variables plant height and root length, the combinations C1 (Peat fertile® (60%) vermiculite expanded (20%) and coconut fiber (20%)) and C4 ((Peat fertile® (40%), vermiculite (30%) and coconut fiber (30%)), provided the best and C5 treatment (Peat fertile®  (100%) the worst results.
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