Introduction: Palliativism is a set of care practices that bring dignity and reduced suffering to the patient. Continued care is an action promoted by a multidisciplinary team, which aims to improve the quality of life of the patient and his family, facing a life-threatening disease, through the prevention and relief of suffering, early identification, assessment, and treatment of pain and other physical, social, psychological, and spiritual symptoms. Home hospice for palliative patients has become increasingly frequent, the search for comfort and closeness to family members at the time of death. Objective: To present the data of patients undergoing palliative care in a health operator at home and outpatient level in a medium-sized city located in the western region of Paraná. Materials and Methods: This is a documental, exploratory descriptive research of quantitative nature regarding the functioning of the flowchart of the program of a medical cooperative in the municipality of Cascavel in Paraná. Results and discussion: It is noted that even with the high number of spicts requested few patients join the program. An explanation for this is the mitigation regarding the palliative name linked to the end of life without assistance. Conclusion: observe the importance of palliative care with a multidisciplinary team prepared to provide quality, comfort and safety to patients and their families at home. Despite being a subject that is currently on the rise, specific studies are still lacking in the literature, since palliative care is of extreme importance at all levels of health care.
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