Cervical cancer is mostly caused by human papillomavirus infection and is a slowly progressing disease that may not manifest symptoms in its early stages. Such infection is frequent and can cause cellular changes that progress to cancer. These changes are easily identified through the preventive exam that is used to screen the disease. Thus, it is important to carry out this examination periodically. Therefore, it is important to report the impact of the pandemic in the year 2020 on the performance of cervical cytopathological exams. Thus, this study is classified as an ecological retrospective type, with a time series and census approach through the analysis of quantitative data from the city of Sinop, on the number of cervical cytopathological exams performed in the municipality, collected in SISCAN of the DATASUS system . It was observed through this study that in 2020, due to the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, there was a negative impact on the number of elective consultations and difficulty in accessing health units. in this way, it can be attested, according to SISCAN data in 2020, that one of the impacts of the pandemic was the non-performance of the cytopathological examination by the population. It can be concluded that from 2014 to 2019 there was a significant increase in the performance of Pap smears in the city of Sinop-MT. However, in 2020 there was a reduction in the performance of this exam, and allied to this was the beginning of the pandemic by covid-19, directly impacting the screening of cervical cancer. Consequently, the number of diagnoses of this cancer in early stages decreases.
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