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Published: 2023-01-30

December 2022 Editorial

Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis
Scientific Electronic Archives, Google Scholar, WebQualis, Index H-5, december 2022.


The objective of this editorial was to bring information collected and analyzed by Google Analystics, referring to the month of its analysis, which can give users (readers, authors and reference sources a better understanding) of the publications and impacts of Scientific Electronic Archives in the scientific environment. The journal began its work in 2012 with the aim of serving the various areas of knowledge and, since then, has worked on several fronts of knowledge. Since the beginning of activities, good publication practices have been sought, making blind and peer evaluations. In this sense, today we have more than 1500 specialists registered with Ad hoc evaluators. In parallel to this, recently there was a new CAPES (WebQualis) qualification process for journals, in which indexers and information bases such as Google Scholar, CiteScore, among others, were used as a classification tool. As a result, a new way of viewing and qualifying journals continues to be analyzed and discussed. In this sense, we present information from the Scientific Electronic Archives, so that users themselves have their own diagnosis and analysis conditions of the work carried out in this journal.


  1. Araújo, E. F. L., & Souza, E. R. B. (2018). Phenology and reproduction of Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg (Myrtaceae). Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(2), 166–175.
  2. Ataídes , K. C. ., Aguiar Neto Filho, M., & dos Santos, J. da S. G. . (2022). Benefícios e malefícios da suplementação com creatina. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(10).
  3. Bulatovic, J., & Rajovic, G. (2018). Internal mobility of the population of Montenegro: Overview. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(2), 143–149.
  4. Dias, A. S., Tanure, A. M., & Bertonceli, R. M. (2018). In vitro effect of extract of garlic’s wood (Gallesia integrifolia Sprengel) Harms on engorged ticks and larvae of Ripicephalus Boophilus microplus. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(5), 99–103.
  5. dos Santos, V., Garcia, M., Demartini, W., Rosalino, W., Mangabeira, F. D. C., & dos Santos, J. P. (2014). Influence of post-establishment period of clonal minigarden on rooting of cuttings of eucalyptus. Scientific Electronic Archives, 5, 68–71.
  6. Doulou, A., & Drigas, A. (2022). ADHD: Causes and alternative types of intervention. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(2).
  7. Drigas, A., Mitsea, E., & Skianis, C. . (2021). Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Positive Psychology & VR in Special Education. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(1).
  8. Medici, V. de A., & Barboza, F. (2020). Artropatia de Jaccoud: como reconhecer uma artropatia rara. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(6).
  9. Medici, V. de A., & Barboza, F. (2020). Artropatia de Jaccoud: como reconhecer uma artropatia rara. Scientific Electronic Archives, 14(6).
  10. Nogueira, R. M., Ruffato, S., Carneiro, J. S., Pires, E. M., & Ãlvares, V. S. (2014). Evaluation of Carbonization of the Hedgehog of Brazil Nut in Oven Type Metal Drums. Scientific Electronic Archives, 6(1), 7–17.
  11. Pena, R. H. R., Oliveira, R. R. de ., Raia, V. de A. ., Vieira, T. B. ., & Castro, B. G. de . (2022). Coinfecção de Giardia sp. e Cyniclomyces guttulatus em Cão – Relato de Caso. Scientific Electronic Archives, 15(5).
  12. Pires, E. M., & Nogueira, R. M. (2018). Damage caused by Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in stored Brazil nuts. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(1), 57–61.
  13. Pires, E. M., Souza, E. Q., Nogueira, R. M., Soares, M. A., Dias, T. K. R., & Oliveira, M. A. (2017). Damage caused by Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in Stored Brazil nut. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(1), 1–5.
  14. Tesk, C. R. M., Pedreira, B. C., Pereira, D. H., Pina, D. S., Ramos, T. A., & Mombach, M. A. (2018). Impact of grazing management on forage qualitative characteristics: a review. Scientific Electronic Archives, 11(5), 188–197.

How to Cite

Berber, R. C. de A. (2023). December 2022 Editorial. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(2).