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Health Science
Published: 2023-08-30

Possible drug interactions between warfarin, chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and guaco (Mikania glomerata)

Centro Universitário Internacional
Drug interaction phytotherapics anticoagulants coumarin warfarin


The present study addresses the drug interactions between anticoagulants and medicinal plants, whose toxic potentiality needs to considered, notably due to the biotransformation that occurs during processing; and the fact that its use, concomitantly with certain drugs, can seriously compromise the patient's health. The objective of the study is to deepen knowledge about this drug, interactions with emphasis on the combination of Chamomil and / or Guaco with anticoagulant drugs. The methodology comprised a literature review, based on publications made available in scientific repositories. The results of the study emphasize the low disclosure of adverse reactions related to the use of herbal teas and herbal medicines combined with allopathic ones, and highlights the importance of knowing the pharmacodynamics of medicinal plants as a way to guarantee an effective and safe drug therapy. It is hoped, therefore, to contribute to broadening the discussions on the subject, reaffirming the importance that medicinal plants have in society, but without losing sight of the safety necessary for the health and life of the patient


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How to Cite

Viní­cius Bednarczuk. (2023). Possible drug interactions between warfarin, chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and guaco (Mikania glomerata). Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(9).