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Agricultural Science
Published: 2023-09-29

Participatory Management in Monge State Park, Lapa - PR

Universidade Federal do Paraná
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Faculdade Bagozzi
Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade
Social participation, Management effectiveness, Conservation unit


Protected areas are effective strategies for the preservation and conservation of natural heritage, provided they are effectively managed. The participatory management of a conservation unit can be understood as the balanced administration of the technical and operational components, which includes human, material and financial resources, in addition to the survey and use of the knowledge and skills of local communities, in the development of plans and strategies aimed at achieving the conservation objectives of the area. Assessing the participatory management of a conservation unit is to analyze its ability to carry out actions related to its conservation and preservation objectives. This study aimed to evaluate the management of Parque Estadual do Monge, using as a tool a methodology designed to analyze the effectiveness of participatory management, considering the main instruments of social participation provided for in the SNUC Law, public consultation, management plan and council manager. The results showed that the park reached a percentage of 50.3% of effectiveness of participatory management, which indicates that the conservation unit (UC) has some resources and means for effective management, but it lacks some elements to reach the minimum necessary, such as financial and human resources, which can lead to non-compliance with the conservation objectives of the area, not guaranteeing its long-term preservation.


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How to Cite

Meira Micaloski, M., Tetto, A. F., Savi, M. ., & Faraco, L. F. D. . (2023). Participatory Management in Monge State Park, Lapa - PR. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(10).