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Agricultural Science
Published: 2023-10-31

Quali-quantitative survey of tree individuals at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Campus Videira

Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
Instituto Federal Catarinense
green areas, tree diversity, inventory, urban planning


The objective of this work was to carry out a qualitative and quantitative survey of the afforestation of the Instituto Federal Catarinense, Campus Videira. The method used was the census type, also called total inventory. During the study, tree species and families were identified, as well as the origin, in addition to the main use. the type of branching, the intervention of pruning, phytosanitary conditions, in addition to the conflict between the treetops and the electrical network are tolerated. The dendometric measurements of the species were made through total height and diameter at breast height. According to the results obtained, 51 tree species were identified, belonging to 26 families, totaling 344 individuals. The Fabaceae families, followed by Myrtaceae, Rutaceae and Arecaceae, had the highest number of botanical species, with 07, 05, 05 and 04. The other families showed from 01 to 02 species. Among the species used to compose the afforestation, there was a predominance of Pinus taeda and Populus nigra (24 individuals) followed by Psidium cattleyanum (23 individuals). Considering the number of individuals surveyed, exotic species represented the absolute majority, with 72.7% of the total (250 individuals). Most species showed sympodial branching (60.2%). As for the pruning of tree species, it was observed that most individuals (81.4% of the total) did not undergo the intervention. It was noted that 100% of the arboreal individuals were exacerbated in places with no electrical network, that is, far from overhead wiring. Size revealed a predominance of young trees, with individual heights between 5 and 10 m and diameter at breast height between 0.00 and 15.1 cm. The population distribution of the species in the green areas was balanced, reinforcing the good planning adopted and the evolution of the tree individuals in the spaces during the implantation. The survey carried out showed the need for actions to take care of pruning and plant health. In this sense, it is necessary that the management measures are contemplated and the technical norms of management are rigorous in accordance with the need for maintenance of the species.


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How to Cite

Dan Tatagiba, S., Sarmento, E. C. ., Bertha, I. ., Padilha , A. S. ., Nachtigall, G. R. ., de Araújo, R. ., & Hackbarth, C. . (2023). Quali-quantitative survey of tree individuals at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Campus Videira. Scientific Electronic Archives, 16(11).