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Agricultural Science
Published: 2023-12-24

Use of different organic substrates in the growth and initial development of land cress (Barbarea verna)

Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Esmeraldo Dias da Silva

The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and initial development of watercress (Nasturtium officinale). The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse on an entirely randomized design with five treatments: sand, sand/waste (2:1), sand/humus (2:1), manure/humus (2:1), and commercial substrate with five repetitions. The treatment T3 sand/humus showed better development in agronomic parameters, plant height (ALT), root length (CR), number of leaves (NF), fresh mass (MF), dry mass (DM), of Nasturtium officinale. It is concluded that among the substrates used, T3 presented the best results in general, with the exception of the CPR parameter, in which T5 stood out statistically. These results indicate that both T3 and T5 are viable alternatives in the production of watercress seedlings.

Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Seedlings., Organic compounds., Production., Leafy vegetables


The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and initial development of watercress (Nasturtium officinale). The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse on an entirely randomized design with five treatments: sand, sand/waste (2:1), sand/humus (2:1), manure/humus (2:1), and commercial substrate with five repetitions. The treatment T3 sand/humus showed better development in agronomic parameters, plant height (ALT), root length (CR), number of leaves (NF), fresh mass (MF), dry mass (DM), of Nasturtium officinale. It is concluded that among the substrates used, T3 presented the best results in general, with the exception of the CPR parameter, in which T5 stood out statistically. These results indicate that both T3 and T5 are viable alternatives in the production of watercress seedlings.


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How to Cite

de Jesus Souza, M. M., Silva, E. D. da ., Passos, N. R. de F. ., Santana Júnior, J. P. F. de ., & Oliveira, F. J. V. de . (2023). Use of different organic substrates in the growth and initial development of land cress (Barbarea verna). Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(1).