The present study aimed to analyze the space-time distribution of hot spots inside and around the Rio Ronuro Ecological Station, located in the State of Mato Grosso, between the years 1998 and 2019 and also to study the influence of the repeal of the resolution CONAMA 13/1990 in the area. For this work, a survey of data for each year was carried out using data made available at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), through the MapBiomas platform and through the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET). To quantify the data, electronic spreadsheet editing programs were used, and for the supply and treatment of images, the Qgis software. Among the results, there is the possibility that the release of controlled burning influenced the appearance of hot spots in the months of October and June, as well as the reduction in collection for the period between 2008 and 2019. There was an increase in the number of outbreaks between March and August (dry period). This increase was also present when dealing with land use and land cover classes, in which the temporary crops and soybean classes had the highest numbers of hot spots per hectare. Regarding the change in legislation, the number of hot spots did not show a significant increase, but it is still a threat to the ESEC, since there are many hot spots close to the conservation unit. Within this context, it was observed that more complex monitoring should take place in the area, given that this unit operates under an integral protection regime, with specific legislation to support it. In this sense, a good understanding of the occurrence of hot spots and their characteristics allows the creation of a database in order to quantify the number of hot spots in the area, in addition to identifying and taking action against possible forest fires. In this way, this information can help in the foundation of the creation of a management plan for the area, contemplating the prevention of fires in the ESEC.
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