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Agricultural Science
Published: 2024-04-30

Biological control of banana nematodes by auxin-producing bacteria

Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus de Sinop
Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril
Engenheiro Agrônomo
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus de Sinop
biocontrol, antagonism, Yersinia bercovieri


In this work was evaluated the effect of strains of auxin-producing bacteria selected toward the antagonism to Mycosphaerella musicola on the biocontrol of Pratylenchus sp., Helicotylenchus sp. and Radopholus sp. in banana seedlings. The treatments consisted of the application of 25 mL of a bacterial suspension (109 cfu. mL-1) of five bacterial strains (BB-6, BS-12, BB-9, BS-8 and BS-17); a mycorrhizal fungus (FM) (100 spores. g-1 of soil); its combination with bacterial strains and 2 more commercial biological products, totaling 14 treatments in 5 replications. After 60 days, in roots, no efficacy was observed in controlling nematodes by any biocontrol agent tested. In soil, the highlighted treatment on biocontrol of nematodes was the BS-17 strain, with a significant reduction in Pratylenchus sp populations (78.3%) and Helicotylenchus sp. (87,9%). Likewise, it was observed that the treatments FM+BS-12, FM+BS-8 and FM+BS-17 were effective in reducing Pratylenchus sp. populations, with control levels varying between 57,6% and 64,6%. It was also observed that BS-17 and FM+BS-17 strains were effective in reducing the total population of phytonematodes in the soil, when compared to the control, with control levels varying between 66.8% and 81.2%. %. Of the microorganisms tested, the BS-17 strain highlighted from the others when used alone. When used together with the mycorrhizal fungus, BS-17, BS-12, BB-6 and BS-8 strains were the most promising in the biocontrol of phytonematodes, requiring additional studies to evaluate their real potential for use.



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How to Cite

Shiomi, H. F., Faleiro, V. de O. ., Dreher, D. R. ., & Cely, M. V. T. . (2024). Biological control of banana nematodes by auxin-producing bacteria. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(3).