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Agricultural Science
Published: 2024-04-30

Characterization of the morphological, physical and chemical attributes of Ferric Arenosols in the district of Chibuto-Mozambique

Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo-Moçambique
Universidade Federal do Tocantins
Instituto Superior Politécnico de Gaza-Moçambique
Attributes, soils, management, fertility and monitoring.


To monitor soil quality due to human exploitation, general information based on soil units and classes is insufficient to make decisions about fertilization, corrections and environmental contamination locally. In Mozambique, Chibuto district, agriculture is practiced and recently the mining of zirconium, titanium and iron from heavy sands whose impacts must be monitored based on base indicators such as soil. With the aim of characterizing the morphological, physical and chemical attributes of soils to provide information for sustainable management and environmental monitoring, four soil profiles were opened and undisturbed and deformed samples were collected from the horizons. The morphology of the soil was studied the color, structure, dry, moist and wet consistency were studied. The granulometry (clay, silt and sand) was determined using the densimeter method, soil density (Dg) using the beaker method, particle density (Dp) using the volumetric flask method, clay dispersed in water (ADA). The sand was divided into very coarse, coarse, medium, fine and very fine. The degree of flocculation (GF), silt/clay ratio (S/A) and porosity were calculated. The chemical attributes were pH (H2O and KCl), ECes, CTC, CTCef, P-available, Corg and soil organic matter. The soils are deep without lithological contact, red, loose and friable, with an abundance of mafic minerals attracted by the magnet, sandy texture, erodible, low porosity, particles of normal weight, very weathered. The soils are acidic, with negative charges, low ECes, extremely poor in nutrients, infertile, average CEC dominated by exchangeable aluminum, very low phosphorus content, excellent organic carbon and organic matter content. The soils can be classified as ferric, dystrophic, alicArenosols, whose productivity depends on liming, gypsum and increase in organic matter in the soil


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How to Cite

Comissal, H. P. ., Hlavanguane, A. C., & Mutatiua, K. J. . (2024). Characterization of the morphological, physical and chemical attributes of Ferric Arenosols in the district of Chibuto-Mozambique. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(3).