The high losses of nitrogen (N) by ammonia (NH3) volatilization compromise the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization in pastures due to the action of the enzyme urease present in the soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the application of urease and nitrification inhibitors to urea in mitigating N-NH3 losses. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 6 treatments consisting of the application of a total of 150 kg ha-1 of N coated with 5 commercial products: 1) conventional RH; 2) RH+Eco Coat® 20% NBPT+DCD; 3) RH + Eco Coat® 20% NBPT; 4) RH + NitrogeDuo® 20% NBPT; 5) RH + NitrogeDuo® 10% NBPT and 6) RH + NitrogenDuo® 2.5% NBPT, with 4 repetitions. In each plot, static semi-open model of PVC NH3 collectors were installed, and the collection and exchange of foams were carried out on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th days after fertilization. At the end of the experiment, the aerial biomass was collected to determine the production of forage dry mass. The Tukey test (p<0.05) characterized statistical superiority for the inhibitors over conventional RH, which recorded accumulated losses of N-NH3 of 53% of the total N applied. All products were efficient in reducing N-NH3 losses by 93 and 87% compared to conventional RH, but without statistically differing from each other. The peak of maximum volatilization occurred on the 2nd day after fertilization (33%) for conventional RH, and on the 5th day for treated RH (mean of 4%). For forage dry matter production, analysis of variance did not identify statistical differences between treatments. Regardless of the formulations, all products tested were efficient in reducing NH3 volatilization rates, constituting a viable agronomic option for the management of nitrogen fertilization in pastures.
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