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Biological Science
Published: 2024-06-28

Investigation of pathogenic microorganisms in cell phones and headphones: A literature review

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Microbiology, Public Health, Eletronic device, Quality of life


The emergence of digital technologies has marked the 21st century as the era of information and globalization. Among these technologies, two devices have stood out and become indispensable in modern life: the mobile phone and the headphones. With the popularity of these devices in Brazil, many people have started using them constantly, taking them to various environments, including high-risk areas for microbiological contamination. Given this scenario, this study aims to investigate the pathogenic microorganisms present on mobile phones and headphones through an integrative literature review, analyze the virulence of the identified microorganisms, determining their capacity to cause diseases in humans, and assess the best method for sanitizing and removing pathogens from electronic device surfaces. As a methodology, scientific articles available in online databases such as Google Scholar, LILACS, MEDLINE, and SciELO were used as the bibliographic basis, written in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Through the analysis of the 15 selected articles, it was possible to identify a variety of Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and pathogenic fungi present on the surfaces of mobile phones and headphones. Staphylococcus aureus was highlighted as a recurrent pathogen, found in 80% of the analyzed studies. Additionally, bacteria from the enterobacteria family were present in 27% of the articles, such as Escherichia sp and Klebsiella sp, which are bacteria normally found in the human gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, 60% of the research also identified the presence of fungi such as Candida sp, and 14% found Aspergillus sp, which have the potential to cause infections in various parts of the body, including the skin, nails, and ears. For sanitization, the use of 70% alcohol was recommended as it is one of the simplest and most effective method for cleaning the devices. Thus, it is possible to conclude the importance of ongoing research and awareness to protect public health in the current technological context, as the level of microorganisms present on devices was noticeable. However, further research is needed to investigate microbial resistance in electronic devices over time to develop more effective sanitization measures and gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential health risks associated with the use of mobile phones and headphones.


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How to Cite

Santos da Silva, J., Pereira de Araújo Soares, F., & Severo Gomes, B. (2024). Investigation of pathogenic microorganisms in cell phones and headphones: A literature review. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(4).