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Education and Teaching
Published: 2024-06-28

SSponges: The hidden treasure of zoology - a critical analysis of textbooks

Universidade Federal do Cariri
Universidade Federal do Cariri
Universidade Federal do Cariri
Zoology Teaching Textbook Biodiversity Phylum Porifera invertebrates Brazil


The textbook is an indispensable tool in the educational context, as it provides the foundation for all content designed for the curriculum. In the context of zoology teaching, the instruction on sponges (Phylum Porifera) should emphasize aspects such as morphology, classification, phylogeny, life cycle, reproduction, ecological, and biotechnological significance of the group. By addressing these topics comprehensively and integratively, a robust understanding of sponge taxonomy can be developed without compromising the accuracy and significance of the group's biology. Inadequate teaching on this group may hinder the advancement of scientific knowledge about these organisms. This article presents the potential consequences of such a situation and discusses strategies to mitigate these impacts. To achieve this, we analyzed the content related to Phylum Porifera in Biology textbooks selected by PNLD/2018, focusing on the quality of the information presented and the potential consequences for research on the group. A preliminary survey of reference books was conducted to evaluate the specific content of the phylum. The five books analyzed showed variations in the organization of their content. Some exhibited deficiencies in image usage, content quality, and additional texts. It is crucial to address deficiencies in sponge education to enhance comprehension and drive progress in taxonomic and biological research linked to this group.


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How to Cite

Santos, G. G., Bezerra, C. de S., & Nascimento, J. B. D. do. (2024). SSponges: The hidden treasure of zoology - a critical analysis of textbooks. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(4).