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Education and Teaching
Published: 2024-06-28

Use of Assistive Technologies as tools in inclusive special education: brief review

Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado do Paraná
Person with disability Inclusion Regular education Special educational needs Educational tools


Special and inclusive education seeks to guarantee the full and equal participation of all students in the school environment, regardless of their specificities. Assistive technologies emerge as tools and devices capable of improving and facilitating the teaching and learning process, facilitating the inclusion of people with disabilities or special needs in the school context. This article, characterized as a literature review, aims to carry out a brief bibliographical review on the importance of assistive technology and how it contributed to the inclusion of people with disabilities and special educational needs. The study points out that assistive technologies provide greater independence, quality of life and social inclusion for students with disabilities.


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How to Cite

Diniz, T. de O. (2024). Use of Assistive Technologies as tools in inclusive special education: brief review. Scientific Electronic Archives, 17(4).