Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate workers` knowledge of the logging industry of Sinop-MT, about the guidelines of Norm 06, which covers the use of Personal Protective Equipment - PPE. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire regarding the use of PPE in the workplace. We interviewed 60 employees in 6 wood industries, which represent 5% of the timber associated with the syndicate of Sindusmad owners. Through the data, all the timber provide the IPE, but is observed the bad use or even neglect by the employee, because of themselves confidence in the job performed and by low graduation which difficult their knowledge about the importance PPEs uses. Accidents were detected because the poor or even non-use of protective equipment. The research showed that employers knew of Norm and offered IPE whenever requested, but happens is a remarkable neglect by workers who claim do not need all PPE to perform certain activities, as well are not comfortable.
Key words: NR 06; Timber Industry; Sinop
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