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Published: 2015-04-08

Major advances in biotechnology used on artifial insemination of horses: A review

Federal University of Mato Grosso - Campus Sinop, Brazil

R. C. A. Berber

Institute of Health Sciences, Animal Physiology
Equine biotechnology reproduction semen


The equine industry is increasingly gaining prominence in sports and in generating income. The growing interest in horses resulted in the emergence of biotechnologies that provide the solution for most reproductive problems. Several biotechnology have been used in AI, including the sperm sexing by flow cytometry, embryo transfer (ET) associated with sexed semen and the use of fluorescent probes for observation of plasma membrane integrity, acrosome and sperm mitochondria. The purpose of the review was to address some impact of biotechnologies used in equine reproduction. These technologies have contributed in increasing the genetic potential of animals of zootechnical interest, the preservation of genetic material and as well as overcome fertility problems


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How to Cite

Carvalho, C. P. T., Lançoni, R., Santos, G. C., & Berber, R. C. A. (2015). Major advances in biotechnology used on artifial insemination of horses: A review. Scientific Electronic Archives, 8(3), 72–78.