The present work had as main objectives to disseminate information about environmental education, and focusing primarily on the topic of water, within the reality of the neighborhood next college in Sete Lagoas - MG. The program is divided into five stages involving analysis waters, intervention in classrooms and in the neighborhood and the preparation of teaching materials on the subject of the environment, especially water. The activities took place for the first time in two schools, and later throughout the neighborhood, located on the highest point of the city, causing difficulty in capturing SAAE (Autonomous service, water and sewage ) and distribution of water for residents. In addition, water has good palatability, therefore residents neighborhood region and look for other sources to meet their needs, including the use of tanks and water from the mine, which is 600 meters located on a farm where residents using this water for consumption. Through project activities students had the stimulus is going to read and write, the discovery of new words and subjects and were able to use the study material inside and outside the classroom, but also through activities residents will have a better understanding of the chemical aspects of water and its importance at the time of consumption.
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