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Agricultural Science
Published: 2015-10-12

Quality of life in rural villages of Montenegro –Gnjili Potok and Vranještica: Case study

Gnjili Potok Vranještica rural villages quality of life quality of life dimensions


The focus of work is the conception quality of life issues that in lately, it becomes increasingly important socio-economic issue. The work tends to argue how and which the context of the quality of rural life provides an opportunity to resolve the paradox of development interpreted by many researchers. The study was designed and conducted in the geographical and social space, as a case study. Geographic space research included the rural villages of Montenegro - Gnjili Potok and Vranještica. Social space related to the surveyed residents of what is meant, and our insight into the social environment. Analysis of the quality of life in rural village analyzed included the six dimensions: housing, access to institutions and organizations, transport links, participation in the social life of local communities, the economic dimension of time.


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How to Cite

Rajović, G., & Bulatović, J. (2015). Quality of life in rural villages of Montenegro –Gnjili Potok and VranjeÅ¡tica: Case study. Scientific Electronic Archives, 9(2), 23–35.