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Published: 2013-03-07

Inclusion Level of Glycerin and Glycerol in Diets for Pigs Determined in Brazil: Review

glycerol glycerin pigs


Abstract: This paper aims to review the inclusion levels of glycerol and glycerol in diets for pigs in Brazil using masters dissertations and doctoral theses. The levels of crude glycerin can be used and mixed to include 12% and 14% of semipurified diet for animals at and 30 kg. The semipurified neutralized glycerin may be used in up to 14% in diets for pigs from 30 to 90 kg. In animals 67-107 kg are used in levels of 16% pure glycerin. Glycerol is the best inclusion of 9% in animals of 30 to 100 kg.

Keywords: glycerol, glycerin, pigs


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How to Cite

Drosghic, L. C. A. B., Pereira, T. L., & Corassa, A. (2013). Inclusion Level of Glycerin and Glycerol in Diets for Pigs Determined in Brazil: Review. Scientific Electronic Archives, 2, 46–49.