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Agricultural Science
Published: 2017-04-15

Rooting of cuttings of murta (Murraya exotica L.)

Universidade Federal de Goiás

R. C. Marques

Departamento de Fitotecnia - Ãrea de atuação: Propagagação de plantas
Universidade Federal de Goiás

M. P. Santos

Departamento de Fitotecnia - Ãrea de atuação: Ecofisiologia
Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Ceres

C. M. Sousa

Departamento de Fitotecnia - Ãrea de atuação: Fisiologia Vegetal
auxin ornamental plants vegetative propagation.


The murta is a of the main shrub plants used in environments ornamentation. Although the seeds lose viability few weeks after collect, is still the predominant form of multiplication, because the species presents limitations in the formation of adventitious roots, making it difficult to vegetative propagation. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the vegetative propagation of Murraya exotica L., comparing auxin concentrations and types of cuttings. Experiment was carried in randomized complete block, in arrangement factorial 3 x 4, being three types of cuttings (without leaves, with one pair leaves and with two pairs leaves) and four concentrations the AIB (0; 1000; 2000 and 4000 mg L-1). To 149 days after implantation of the experiment, was evaluated survival (%) , roots (%) , callus formation at the base of the cuttings (%), rooting (%) , root number , root length , fresh biomass and dry the roots and the loss of cuts (%). The interaction between the types of cuttings and auxin concentration was not significant for anyone of the variables. The survival and sprouts were influenced only by the type of cuttings. The highest percentage of rooting was obtained in cuttings with two leaves, independent of the application of auxin. The propagation of murta may be performed without the application of auxin, since kept in cuttings two leaves.


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How to Cite

Marques, R. C., Santos, M. P., & Sousa, C. M. (2017). Rooting of cuttings of murta (Murraya exotica L.). Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(2), 5–10.