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Agricultural Science
Published: 2017-02-19

Effect of the use of MOS and organic acids in performance piglets

Keywords Organic acids. Mannan oligosaccharides. Enhancing efficiency


Abstract. The production chain of swine has been developed to meet the consumer market , seeking a more lean meat and produced cleanly. Faced with this demand , key areas of swine as genetics, nutrition , health , ambience , animal welfare, management of costs and environmental management are increasingly studied and debated to the organs concerned . Have advances in the field of nutrition has also contributed to a cleaner animal production through the use of enhancers efficiency as prebiotics and organic acids in the diets of pigs as potential substitutes for conventional growth promoters . The mannan oligosaccharides ( MOS ) along with organic acids , are able to maintain the integrity of the digestive tract , by benefiting the multiplication of beneficial bacteria and also in the specific case of MOS , act as adsorbents of pathogenic bacteria , preventing their adhesion in the intestinal epithelium and causing their elimination . Since these effects improve the absorption of nutrients with gains in production rates . Given the above , the objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of MOS and organic acid in the performance parameters of piglets during 15-30 Kg The experiment will be conducted in the UEP on Swine Campuses Two Neighbors - UTFPR . Crusaders 18 pigs with an initial average weight of 15kg with 50 days of age , distributed in a completely randomized design with two treatments will be used : T1 - basal ration  T2 - ration + 0.2% MOS + organic acid , with 3 replications and 3 animals per experimental unit . The parameters evaluated were weight gain , feed intake , feed conversion , stool consistency and feed cost per kg of produced pig . There was no difference ( P > 0.05 ) on growth performance and fecal consistency between treatments . However , the cost per kg pig was highest in treatment 2 (with additives ) compared to Treatment 1 (control). In the conditions of the present study was conducted , it can be concluded that the use of MOS and organic acids did not improve the productive and economic performance of starter pigs .


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How to Cite

Vargas, L., Oliveira, R. R., & Cella, P. S. (2017). Effect of the use of MOS and organic acids in performance piglets. Scientific Electronic Archives, 10(1), 30–33.